星期六, 3月 11, 2006


words,music by D.A.I arrangement by D.A.I/Seiji Kameda

Summer days, I can't stand the summer days.
Frozen cocktails and night fireworks.
what's so great about them anyway?
Summer day, let it be some other day.
Seaside motels and sex on the beach.
don’t be thinking I went all the way.
I hate summer days.

Rushing down the traffic, to the beach, that’s jammed
for blocks and blocks.
They ain't getting no where. Still miles and miles left
to go.
Strutting down the street, the girls, they try to
impress their boyfriend-to-be.
I give up and don't try. Every day is a bad hair day.
Guys,they come up with lame pick-up lines.
Desperate to just get laid.
Damn, give me a freaking break!

Summer days, I can't stand the summer days.
Frozen cocktails and night fireworks.
what's so great about them anyway.
Summer day, let it be some other day.
Seaside motels and sex on the beach,
don't be thinking I went all the way.
Goddamn summer days.

Kate was the one,
who said thet life was made to be enjoyed.
Stop crinking your face.Everything will turn out okay.
Serving table to teble, up and down the isle, had on a
face i'd never seen.
Whatever happened to her?
Who has stolen your smiles away?
Who said that summer can brighten the mood of fate?
Nothing is going to change.
Damn, give me a freaking break!

Summer days, I can't stand the summer days.
Frozen cocktails and night fireworks,
what's so great about them anyway?
Summer day, let it be some other day.
Seaside motels and sex on the beach,
don't be thinking I went all the way.
Who need summer days.

Summer days, they have never been the same.
Once you left and were out of my sight,
leaving no trace behind.
Summer day, why oh why on a summer day?
You were gone without saying goodbye,
taking it all away.
No more summer days.

伴都美子姊啊妳也嘛拜託一下,我一直以為整首歌除了那句"Summer days........"之外,其它歌詞都是日文的,結果買回來聽才知道這是一首英文歌……,好吧就看在妳是日本人咬字不清的份上原諒妳好了。

ps. 想要mp3的人請寄email過來,然候我再看妳是不是正妹來決定要不要寄給妳^^。



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